segunda-feira, 24 de julho de 2017

Rumor: The Sims 4 for Console?


So Simmers recently the Microsoft Store website has put in its catalog that the fourth generation is coming to the consoles! Specifically for the XONE, So far we have only the release date for the Xbox One, but apparently, this version of console will be different from the previous generations! ..

"Windows Store" acess in 24/07/17

Whoever played The Sims 2 or The Sims 3 on the console knows we had the base version and at one point or another the version "Pets". Apparently the console version will have collections of objects, pack games and also expansions, basically the same The Sims 4 for Console.

As you can see in the print above or accessing the site by clicking on "Windows Store", The Sims 4 for Xbox One should leave November 17!

Other rumors have surfaced in The Sims community that a site had listed not only The Sims 4 console for a while, but the fourth expansion of The Sims that would be Dogs and Cats - "Pets"

Life is Stranger: Before the Storm


Yeah, who would have thought we'd have TWO Life Is Stranger franchise games being produced?

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a prequel to the events of the first Life is Strange, in that we will have Chloe as protagonist, showing her story before Max arrives in Arcadia Bay and finally Rachel has disappeared, in that we will embark on how she stayed Punk and badass after the death of his father and we will know more about Rachel.

Another detail is that apparently we will not have regression of the time, since it is a power of Max, so it is good to review what you will do, if it will not have consequence of that!

The announcement trailer at the Microsoft conference at E3

you can watch too one gameplay by IGN

There will be three chapters in total and one will be out August 31! You can already pre-order on Steam; Your version regular cost $16,99 e a Deluxe with Additional Content. 

Ah and about the second game, Life is Strange 2, it will probably be a new story, but with the same gameplay as the previous one! Some sources indicated that the second game is in development with the company's LIS 1 DONTNOD Entertainmen - While the Before the Storm is for Deck Nine, however all games are distributed by Square Enix

*Price may vary depending on the country in which you are!*

Ori and the will of the wisps - Continuation on the horizon


So Guys! It's just this at E3 that year, especially at Microsoft's conference, our wanted franchise won a sequel! Already there were rumors of the name, since mid-2016, in what would have a Twitter that the title would be "will of the wisps" and it seems that was true!

Seeing the trailer superficially we can see an opening to the world of the Ori, with new animals and creatures, varied landscapes and very attractive as the concept of art of the game is! In addition we have some suspicions, as the great Blind Forest tree appears destroyed and cut in half, we can expect that a catastrophic effect is hovering over the world of Ori and we will have to figure out some way to stop this or run away in the next game.

See with your own eyes and theorize with us!

 The game still has no release date, however I particularly think we can have the release date released later this year and launch next year, based on Blind Forest was released at E3 in 2014 and launched in March 2015, We may have the same realese scheme.

domingo, 23 de julho de 2017

The Sims 4: 'Get Together' Expansion Pack Review


 At first glance, 'Get Together' may seem like a bland rehash of Sims 2's 'Nightlife' and 3's 'Late Night'. But once it's inner mechanics are fully explored it's more than clear that this expansion is not a half-baked remake of previous installments, but actually a fresh and welcome addition to the franchise.

'The Sims 4' certainly has had it rough over the past few months -- in fact, rougher than any other game in the franchise: the lack of babies, pools and other core mechanics which were all available from the get-go in previous games certainly left a bad taste in the fanbase's mouths. EA has constantly been pushing updates that reintroduced missing features or added brand new ones - we had the first expansion pack, 'Get To Work', which reintroduced playable careers to the likes of 3's 'Ambitions', it garnered mainly mixed-to-positive reviews from fans and critics alike; some praised the new careers while others criticized the repetitive, almost "grindy" aspect that the playable careers had. We're now looking at the second expansion pack, 'Get Together', which was shrouded in mystery before release, many trailers, promo screenshots and renders were released but fans were left confused as to what exactly this new expansion was bringing to the game's scarce table of features. What is it about? Clubbing? Making friends? Being popular? Well, dear reader, 'Get Together' is about everything!

This expansion's main feature is the new club system, which basically allows you to create social groups with varying interests, gathering places, traits, uniforms and much more. This is, honestly, one of the most interesting mechanics the franchise has seen in recent years: it blends perfectly with the game's social fabric that sometimes you can't help but turn your attention to a small group of sims from the same club gathering - the way they interact with each other and go about their gatherings is so realistic that you can tell that a lot of work went into fine-tuning this new system; with the also new "emotions" gimmick, it all comes together to create the most human and realistic Sims we have ever seen.

Moving on, there's still much to be said about this new feature - should you decide to join a pre-made/pre-existing club, you'll get a call from the group's leader and be invited to a gathering where he or she will see if you're really fit for their group. You'll be immediately teleported to their defined gathering place, where they'll be waiting for you; and this is where the club system really shines the brightest: Sims interacting realistically, doing activities that match their personalities, all of these neat little quirks come together to create an identity for your club, you'll find yourself thinking "Hm, this guy must be in the Vanguard club" only to mouse over him and see that you were absolutely right just from pure observation of their behaviour around community lots. The game ships with 11 pre-made clubs in the new town of Windenburg, and you can create your own - if you find yourself already pleased with a pre-existing club but want to make a few changes; fear not, since over time, you can become the leader of every club in the game by working your way up in the social ladder. This system offers insane amounts of customization which The Sims 4 as a whole is definitely lacking.

Being a part of a club is more than a simple change on the UI, you also have new "Club Perks" which directly affect the gameplay, you can unlock various Club Perks by performing "Club Activies", which are activities condoned by your club, perks come in various shapes: You can get doors that only allow club members to pass, increased gain for certain skills and a handy starting boost in future relationships. This really adds to the feeling of progression, making you feel like you and your club buddies are really making a name for themselves out in the town - and progression, like customization, has been another factor that Sims 4 severely lacks in, so this is more than a welcome change.

All in all, this is a fantastic new addition to the series - it's fun, polished, interesting, endlessly customizable and oddly enough you'll find youself asking "How did i survive without this before?" if you're the social player type - this brings Sims closer to real life humans with the improved social dynamics and interactions.

Next, we have Windenburg, the new, European-inspired world that ships with 'Get Together' - and let me tell you that much: Windenburg is gorgeous! It's seriously one of the most breath-taking worlds i have ever seen in my 12 years as a Sims fan, yes, it's that good. While admittedly rather small, as are all the other Sims 4 worlds - each location has it's unique mood and character. You have futuristic danceterias and recreation centers; small, cozy pubs and even ancient ruins, all available for you to visit with your Sims! While i played the game on my own save, after the first few hours it became clear to me just how much thought and attention to detail was put into this world - you can hear new sounds, such as distant bell ringing at certain times, little animals strolling around and snowy mountains in the distance, - all of this makes the city feel somewhat alive which is often reinforced by the enhanced interactions between Sims - you have beautiful tudor houses spread accross the town where your Sims can live in, it's almost like a better Veronaville from Sims 2, which makes it nothing short of amazing! There's always something to do in Windenburg, it's a detailed, living, breathing world which i'm sure many of you will love.

As for overall content, supernatural fans may be a bit disappointed by the lack of a new supernatural type, and the fact that Windenburg would be the perfect setting for Vampire sims adds more insult to injury - moving on to what else 'Get Together' brings to the table, we see the return of the DJ skill from previous games and it's really good - you'll be able to play different genres for the crowd and the more you level up, the more genres will be available for you repertoire, including remixed songs from the iconic Sims 2 soundtrack, nostalgia overload! While sadly there's no DJ career, you can gain decent amounts of cash by taking over the DJ machine in clubs, if you're good enough, Sims will start throwing money your way. But if you're not one for public appearences, then we got you covered: You can make your own mixtapes and while you can play they live, at Level 9 DJ Skill, you can also sell the royalties to get some additional income. 
Another skill introduced in this pack is the "Dancing" skill, which was a hidden skill for previous games; but now here it is! A fully-fledged dancing skill, with enough practice, your Sims can go from embarassing themselves to busting some serious moves on the dancefloor, each level unlocks new moves and the fact that you can have a synchronized dance routine with other sims makes it even better, i've never been so close to recreating the 'White Chicks' dance-off scene in a Sims game - as is the case with the DJ skill, the Dancing skill is really well done, props to the devs!

We also have new CAS (Create-A-Sim) items and objects too, of course. The clothes are all pretty good and well done, and so are the hairs. It's just a shame that, once again, male sims have a very small amout amount of choices if compared with female. New objects include the DJ booth, some sophisticated, hi-tech furniture and other Tudor-inspired ones and items to make your very own coffee shop! That's also a neat new little feature you get if you also have Get To Work - it's simple, fun and cross-expansion play at it's finest.

Overall, if the general theme of the expansion is right up your alley, don't hesitate picking up 'Get Together'. It's an amazing expansion packed with well-done content, such as the incredibly detailed club system, which is endlessly customizable to your desires, the new world of Windenburg, which is seriously one of my favorites in the series - and the new DJ and Dancing skills; this definitely feels like a step in the right direction and we can't wait to see what EA has in store for the next expansions, we really hope it's as good as this one and maybe then The Sims 4 can fully bounce back to it's feet from the rocky start it had.

domingo, 2 de julho de 2017

Review: Ori and The Blind Forest - The true face of the shadow (XONE / X360 / PC)


I don't know where to start talking about this game broke inside me and challenged me to the last few seconds trying to achieve the goal. Well, Ori and The Blind Florest is a platform style game, which resembles the old Marios, in order to draw your attention any way, and make sure it will get as soon as you enter the game, whether it be in Xbox One or PC, you'll come face to face with an extremely beautiful music and soothing and seconds later a brilliant art direction - honestly, the graphic of the game is flawless, cade detail, every flower, every color the landscape show is amazing. The game's soundtrack takes you to a world in which you will miss that ends it.

What impresses me most in the game is its soundtrack and its visual effects, the gameplay forget it. At first, there is not much difficulty; but with the passage of time and the range of skills you gain, you have to remember all the commands, because the game forces you to it. I even remember a little math tests, you have some ways to get a high score in this test, but has almost certainly it will have to use much of the knowledge seen before mind, it is that the game explores. My score for this game, perhaps, to some eyes, can be a bit exaggerated, but it is not.

In the early scenes we have introduction to the main plot; which is simply brilliant, poetic and sentimental, the Ori protagonist is taken care of by Naru and over time things are getting a problem either to the point of sacrificing himself to save the Ori. At that time we already face with a combination barely see in some games: soundtrack, special effects and plot all combining, weaving together. After these events you have no control is about to leave for their journey.

We ran into a mixture of RPG and platform, my suggestion is to explore all before proceeding to the main quest. It might not even have the necessary skill - but do not worry, when you can get it, and must return. If you want to have high hit points and "souls." Taking the opportunity to talk about these "souls": they serve to save the game at any given time, I'm not remembering exactly which games use this type of system, but who is a fan of Tomb Raider and have played Tomb Raider III should remember the damn crystals ! Well, that's a big question at the beginning of the game, save where to save and look as soon as possible by blue spheres that are missed by the map, if you follow my advice in the middle of the game should not have much trouble for saving your progress.

With the passage of gambling the game itself begins to challenge you to look for things for their own survival in the future and to continue; what I liked most of it was exactly the challenge that imposes for the player. This at first may seem extremely boring, but once you pass that "accursed share" you end up happy to spend it.

Still talking about the exciting moment of the game, the very tests your patience in puzzles, some are short but very resourceful, they explore the ability of the Ori, die in the game is not like some others, it's normal, I've played for the first time surpassed the track 400 deaths.

The game's cutscenes are incredibly detailed and beautiful, no voices, only by gesture and facial animation realize what the characters are feeling and what they want to pass to us, particularly reminded me of my childhood playing some older games and even some drawings. Ori and The Bling Florest certainly is a game that anyone should play platform independent.

My platform of choice was the PC; more specifically, a Ativ Book 2 - had no problems with the bass performance beyond the loss of a few frames per second for animations or more demanding scenarios. Also did not find any bug or glitch during my 10 hours of play; it could have been considerably higher if I had returned to complete 100% before it entered the final stretch of the game.

Deepening the feelings given by the game, the Ori, the game's protagonist is somewhat fragile at the beginning, it resembles a cat, (including a cat from a autor this blog) despite having more features of a fox, and remember somewhat Stitch from another angle. As companion, Ori has a kind of spiritual realm that guides him in all missions besides being your defense, you use the mouse to attack enemies, there are many and you can even use them as "jump" rather than kill.

Naru is like a father / mother to Ori, brotherly love or maternal is left explicit at the beginning of the game ...

Kuro the villain of the game and will not talk much about why she will lose the grace, just say it's a very exciting story.

Ori and The Blind Florest is a game that everyone should play, will not regret any time spent in the game so clear that not everyone likes the way the game is, but the plot, the soundtrack and special effects They will catch your attention enough to stand firm in the game and resets it.

You can purchase your copy of Ori and The Blind Florest by Steam and the Xbox Live.

sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2016

(NSFW) Mortal Kombat - A Sea of Controversies


 23 years ago, one of the most influential and controversial fighting games hit the shelves - Mortal Kombat (1992) for the SNES immediately spawned numerous complaints from parents, uncles or grandmas alike for it's brutal and realistic gory moves - such as removing an opponent's head or blasting them into a pile of bones.

It wasn't much different with the newest game of the series, which received an enormous wave of criticism with considerable force at it's release.

It's not an unknown occurrence: Developer NetherRealm Studios releases a new title of the Mortal Kombat franchise - and parents and other more sensitive people start creating and signing petitions, participating in plots to boycott the game's sales and all other kinds of shenaingans to express their distaste for the game's extremey gory fights.

It's important to note that, back in 1992, the criticism and complaints about the game's gore were one of the main reasons for the creation of the ESRB, PEGI and CERO rating systems for games, which are still used to this day. 

Now, let's be honest: What's really happening here is that parents are leaning themselves on censorhip or even complete omission of certain contents from the main media vehicles, such as television, or in this case, games instead of doing their part as parents and educating their kids on what's right or what's wrong. It really bugs me how people want to use kids as the main argument for censoring a rated M for Mature (17+) game, really. Unfortunately, if parents can't control what kind of content reaches their children - it's not the developers job to do so. But, with graphical technologies rapidly increasing with the newest generation gaming systems, another question pops up: Has Mortal Kombat gone too far?

Fatalities are to Mortal Kombat what Hadokens are to Street Fighter - a recognizable and unique aspect of the core gameplay that represents the game in it's full glory. With even more detailed gaphics, it isn't hard to let out an "urgh" or cringe at some of the fatalities included in the newest title of the franchise. 

Gone are the days where the goriest fatality was just blowing your opponent into a pile of (femurs) bones. Nowadays, each fatality is a little surprise: Tear the opponent's skin off with your bare hands, or split their head in half with a spinning hat. (Yeah, i'm looking at you, Kung Lao.)

For instance, check Johnny and Sonya's offspring, Cassie Cage, 2nd fatality:

The amount of deatils is really jarring, but that's to be expected, after all - why would a company downgrade the graphics of one of the most memorable characteristics of their whole fighting game franchise? Mortal Kombat was always an over-the-top, gory fighting game, and that's what it will always be.

At the end of the day, parents really shouldn't waste their time creating petitions or posting angry rants on their Facebook wall, what they should really be doing is educating their childs on what is right or what is wrong, and, if they don't want such content reaching their kids, pay attention to what websites they are visiting or what YouTube channels they follow. It's not the developer's job to educate anyone else's children.